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[France] MSc & Phd Scholarship Program by The France Government

Scholarship Program to Study in France

The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 28 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2009.

Those scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students, with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia, to undertake two kinds of training:
- Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
- Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)

- Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1
- Fluent in English (or French)
- Less than 35 years old
- Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences - 3,5)
- Submit all the documents specified in the application form

The selection committee will give priority to applicants who have already identified a master/PhD program and have had a positive answer from a French professor (or an acceptance letter).

Field of studies
Priority will be given to the following fields of studies :
- Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering, information technology)
- Sciences (biotechnologies, information and communication technologies, environment, risk and disaster management, energy, etc.)
- Public administration, economy
- Law and political sciences

Applications from students in other fields are nevertheless welcome, as acceptance will be primarily based on excellence.

Selection procedure
- First step : selection based on application form and required documents submitted
- Second step : motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta

Scholarship coverage
- intensive French language course : length according to the applicant`s needs and level (from survival course to extensive 11 months program)
- monthly living allowance
- 1 return ticket
- tuition fees (in public institutions for programs taught in French only)
- insurance

Application deadline
All applications must be sent before the 15th of April 2009 at the following address:

Ambassade de France en Indonesie
Service de cooperation et d`action culturelle
Jl Panarukan no. 35
Menteng - Jakarta 10310

Please note that applications sent via e-mail and after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

CampusFrance office in Jakarta may help you finding the study program that suits your project.
CCF Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya No. 25
Jakarta 10440
tel : (021) 310 18 84

Original URL: http://www.ambafrance-id.org/spip.php?article171
Scholarship Program to Study in France

The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 28 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2009.

Those scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students, with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia, to undertake two kinds of training:
- Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
- Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)

- Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1
- Fluent in English (or French)
- Less than 35 years old
- Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences - 3,5)
- Submit all the documents specified in the application form

The selection committee will give priority to applicants who have already identified a master/PhD program and have had a positive answer from a French professor (or an acceptance letter).

Field of studies
Priority will be given to the following fields of studies :
- Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering, information technology)
- Sciences (biotechnologies, information and communication technologies, environment, risk and disaster management, energy, etc.)
- Public administration, economy
- Law and political sciences

Applications from students in other fields are nevertheless welcome, as acceptance will be primarily based on excellence.

Selection procedure
- First step : selection based on application form and required documents submitted
- Second step : motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta

Scholarship coverage
- intensive French language course : length according to the applicant`s needs and level (from survival course to extensive 11 months program)
- monthly living allowance
- 1 return ticket
- tuition fees (in public institutions for programs taught in French only)
- insurance

Application deadline
All applications must be sent before the 15th of April 2009 at the following address:

Ambassade de France en Indonesie
Service de cooperation et d`action culturelle
Jl Panarukan no. 35
Menteng - Jakarta 10310

Please note that applications sent via e-mail and after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

CampusFrance office in Jakarta may help you finding the study program that suits your project.
CCF Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya No. 25
Jakarta 10440
tel : (021) 310 18 84

Original URL: http://www.ambafrance-id.org/spip.php?article171

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Scholarship 2009/2010 for Nutrition in Emergencies in UK

Scholarship 2009/2010 for Nutrition in Emergencies in UK

Scholarships are available for the short course Nutrition in Emergencies which will run from 8 to 12 September 2009.

1. Amount: Full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
2. Eligibility: You must be from a developing country.
3. Criteria: Financial need and to be employed in the relevant sector in a country prone to disaster.

Deadline: 15 August 2009.

Please note we only accept hard copy of your application, we do not accept faxes or email attachments.
Please allow sufficient time for your application to reach us by mail.

University of Westminster
Scholarships Office
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7911 5000 ext 2349/2338

For further information please visit thi web www.westminster.ac.uk

taken from http://www.rumahbeasiswa.com

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Dialog Terbuka Calon Ketua Umum HMJM FE UNLAM

Sesuai dengan jadwal acara dari Komisi Pemilihan Umum Pemilu Raya HMJM FE UNLAM 2009-2010, pada tanggal 13 April 2009 telah diadakan Dialog Terbuka dengan tema "Membentuk Jiwa Kepemimpinan yang Inovatif, Berdedikasi dan Bertanggung jawab", bertempat di lobi FE UNLAM. Dalam acara ini, para kandidat menyampaikan visi dan misinya sebagai calon ketum.
Pada Pemilu yang akan diselenggarakan pada 15-16 April 2009 nanti, para pemilih yang berasal dari Mahasiswa Manajemen FE UNLAM reguler akan disungguhkan dengan pilihan dua orang kandidat yaitu Anita Rinadi (2006) dan Yanuar Dheniansyah (2006).
Masing-masing kandidat mempunyai visi dan misi yang secara garis besar bertujuan untuk memajukan HMJM.

Berikut ringkasan calon ketua umum HMJM FE UNLAM periode 2009-2010 :

Anita Rinadi
NIM : C1B106043
Konsentrasi Manajemen Pemasaran semester 6

Visi Umum

Menjadikan HMJM sebagai organisasi ter-eksis karena program kerjanya dan terdepan karena prestasi yang dimiliki pengurusnya pada khususnya dan anggota pada umumnya.

Misi Umum
  • Membuat proker yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan skill dan knowledge selurus pengurus dan anggota HMJM FE UNLAM.
  • Membawa nama HMJM FE UNLAM sampai ketingkat nasional dengan proker-prokernya.
Program Kerja Umum

  • Management Skill.
    • Merombak seluruh proker terdahulu yang dinilai kurang bonafit untuk HMJM FE UNLAM.
    • Membuat proker tingkat nasional.

    Yanuar Dheniansyah

    NIM : C1B106091
    Konsentrasi Manajemen Operasi semester 6

    Visi Umum
    Mewujudkan HMJM sebagai organisasi tingkat jurusan yang mampu mengembangkan potensi-potensi yang dimiliki Mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen dengan berbagai kegiatan kemahasiswaan yang dilaksanakan sampai ke kancah nasional

    Misi Umum
    • Menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab HMJM.
    • Membuat program kerja yang berkompeten.

    Program Kerja Umum
    • Mentoring tingkat jurusan.
    • Management Skill.

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    PEMILU RAYA HMJM 2009-2010

    Dengan diadakannya kongres Mahasiswa Manajemen FE UNLAM pada 28 Pebruari 2009 dan diakhiri dengan penyampaian LPJ pada 7 Maret 2009, berakhir pulalah kepemimpinan saudara Zainal Muttaqin selaku Ketua Umum HMJM FE UNLAM yang kemudian diserahkan pada Pjs, Yanuar Dheniansyah.

    Oleh karena itu dalam waktu dekat ini, KPU Pemilu Raya HMJM FE UNLAM akan mengadakan pemilu Ketum baru himpunan. Diharapkan pada semua mahasiswa manajemen regular yang masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa aktif agar dapat memberikan hak suaranya pada pemilu raya nanti demi kemajuan himpunan kita.

    Informasi seputar pemilu raya dapat disimak melalui pengumuman-pengumuman yang ada di kampus Fekon tercinta kita dan akan kami posting secepatnya di blog ini beberapa hari lagi.

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    Beberapa event yang telah kami selanggarakan selama periode 2008-2009

    perkenalan HMJM kepada mahasiswa baru tahun angkatan 2008

    MEC, salah satu kagiatan HMJM yang bergerak dibidang pendidikan pengembangan bahasa inggris

    Grebek sahur di beberapa kawasan jalanan Banjarmasin

    berfoto bersama sesaat setelah berbuka puasa bersama anak-anak panti asuhan di panti asuhan Harapan Bunda pada Ramadhan 1429 H.

    salah satu pendonor darah, yang juga salah satu dosen di FE UNLAM, menikmati bubur kacang yang disediakan panitia.

    pameran hasil foto peserta lomba fotografi

    relawan, upiek, saat blood donation.

    pameran hasil karya peserta lomba fotografi

    pelantikan pengurus baru HMJM FE UNLAM 2008-2010

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